Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Training
(National Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults policy)
All adults have the right to be safe and to live a life free from abuse. All persons are entitled to this right, regardless of their circumstances. It is the responsibility of all service providers, statutory and non-statutory, to ensure that, service users are treated with respect and dignity, have their welfare promoted and receive support in an environment in which every effort is made to promote welfare and to prevent abuse
The “Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse – National Policy and Procedures”, which applies to all HSE and HSE funded services, outlines a number of principles to promote the welfare of vulnerable people and safeguard them from abuse. These include a requirement that all services must have a publicly declared “No Tolerance” approach to any form of abuse and must promote a culture which supports this ethos.
Some of the principles underpinning the policy include:
- Respect for human rights
- A person centred approached to care and services
- Promotion of advocacy.
- Respect for confidentially
- Empowerment of individuals
- A collaborative approach.
The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 is also included for discussion within the Safeguarding training.
The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015, or ADMA, established a new legal framework for supporting people to make their own decisions through all phases of their life.
What is Capacity?
Capacity is a person’s ability to decide for themselves. It centres on the person’s ability to make a specific decision at a specific time. For someone to have capacity, they must be able to carry out the following:
- Understand information relevant to the decision
- Keep that information long enough to make a voluntary choice
- Use or weigh up that information as part of deciding
- Communicate their decision in whatever way they communicate (not only verbally)
Why Enrol?
- Gain insights into the National Policy and Procedures applicable to HSE and HSE funded services.
- Equip yourself with the knowledge to promote the welfare of vulnerable individuals.
- Be a part of a community actively working towards a safer and more compassionate society.
Course Highlights:
- Explore the rights of all adults to live free from abuse, regardless of circumstances.
- Understand the responsibilities of service providers, both statutory and non-statutory, to promote welfare and prevent abuse.
- Dive into the principles outlined in the “Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse – National Policy and Procedures.”
- Learn how to implement a “No Tolerance” approach to abuse and foster a culture that supports this ethos.